Sunday, 28 October 2012

You’re Not What You Eat, But What You Think

Prevalent in the world today, especially the Western world, is the idea that food can and does harm us and that it has some sort of power over us. For example, it is thought that certain foods are ‘bad’ and others are ‘good’. We are always looking out for ‘that’ food which will make us fat, or ‘that’ food which will make us prone to some type of disease or illness. But, before we proceed any further, ask yourself these quick questions. How do you know ‘that’ food causes ‘those’ effects? And how do you know that food can make you fat? Or sick? Or kill you?

If you took all the descriptions of food you have ever heard on face value, you would most likely think it is some type of monster, a living entity that has no other aim but to seek your destruction. Now, we obviously don’t look at it that way, but is that really far off how it is currently perceived? All this talk about “good” and “bad” foods gives the impression that food has a mind of its own, that it has power in and of itself to do with us what it wills. You might laugh at this and say something like, “Oh, don’t be silly,” but seriously, ask yourself, how is it I can think of food as being able to harm me and not believe it is a conscious living entity with power of its own?

Unfortunately, we live in a world where most people believe anything they hear, with very little discrimination or thought involved at all. As we proceed beyond this point, it is acknowledged that everyone who reads this article will be at different levels of belief and openness, hence, each will get out of it what he is ready to receive.

To most people, it is common sense that food can harm us. We don’t think twice about someone saying “stay away from this food,” or “eat as much of this food as you can.” But, what we don’t realise, is that all statements such as these are reflections of belief; they are individual or shared beliefs about the food, they do not represent what the food actually is. Any person can come along and say a food is this, or a food is that. But does just saying that make it true? If I came along and said a banana will make you look 10 years younger, does that mean it will happen? Does that make it a reality?

You may not have recognised this before, but all the things we label as ‘this’ or ‘that’ are merely a reflection of our beliefs about it. More importantly though, is the reality that our beliefs supersede and take precedence over what the food actually is and the effects it might have. In other words, your beliefs or thoughts about the food influence the effects it has on you. This is why two people can eat the same food and one person will get sick from it and the other will not. Have you ever noticed how one person supposedly gets fat from eating a certain type of food and yet another person eating the exact same food does not?

Here is the problem, if it was actually the food that made you fat, or sick, or whatever, then it would have the same effects on everyone. But it does not; therefore, there must be another cause at play. And there is: our beliefs. You are what you think, not what you eat. Broken down further, your thoughts about the food have a greater effect upon you than the food itself does. What you think about your body, health, and illness will determine how your food is used in your body, and how your body chemistry handles fats, for instance, or carbohydrates.

For example, if you believe that the chemicals in certain foods will harm you drastically and bring about disastrous consequences, then even small doses of these will harm you. Yet, another person with completely opposite beliefs about the food will not be harmed one bit by it. It is the same food with the same chemicals, yet there are completely different results, being governed by two different belief systems. In alignment with this, any chemical upsets in the body will right themselves after the inner problems have been worked out.

These same principles apply to diets. We typically think that diets are based on the idea that people are overweight because they eat too much. But, in reality, people eat too much because they believe they are overweight. The physical picture always fits because the belief in being overweight conditions the body to behave in that exact manner. Thus, in the oddest fashion, diets simply reinforce the condition, since people diet because they believe so deeply in their overweight condition. The solution is to willingly suspend that belief. The person must make a conscious effort to insert a different belief, or more preferably, let go of all beliefs about it altogether.

And this is how it works in all cases. In this case, it is not food that is the problem, but your thoughts and beliefs about it. Change your beliefs about it and it will change how it affects you. As much as we would like to blame food for our health issues, it is not the problem, nor is it the enemy it is made out to be. In truth, there are no enemies, only incorrect and misguided beliefs and perceptions. Change these and you change your life and everything in it simultaneously.

Friday, 28 September 2012

How to Heal Yourself of Heart Disease

On a physical level, the heart acts as a two way pump for the circulatory system. As such, it is the life giving organ that regulates the flow of life force throughout the body. Coronary Heart Disease is the most common cause of death in North America. As is reiterated in my previous articles, traditional medicine has a hard time identifying what causes disease and why some people get them and others don’t.

The Traditional View
Traditional medicine, or current mainstream medical practices, teaches us that all illness is the result of some physical cause. For heart disease, the cause is most commonly attributed to factors such as smoking, genetics, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, high alcohol consumption, lack of exercise and stress. Research has shown smoking appears to be the cause of about 36% of cases and obesity roughly 20%.

According to what is happening on the physical level, these are the most identifiable causes of why it manifests in a person’s body. Unfortunately, there is never a reliable, solid cause that can be pinpointed by traditional medicine and its counterparts. Why? Because the physical body is not the source of illness and disease and until the actual source is understood, the confusion will remain.

The Body Has No Power of Itself
According to our traditional thinking, we believe that all illness and disease are caused by something going wrong physically in our bodies. For heart disease, the physical cause is mainly attributed to hypertension and genetics. But these are not the real causes. Why? Because the physical level, including our bodies, is the level of effect, not the cause itself. If this is true, and if nothing physical is the cause, then what is? In the general sense, it is the mental and emotional levels, as all things exist in the mind before they become physical.

Quite practically, the physical body can do nothing in and of itself. It does not have power to create anything, including illness, sickness and disease. Power comes from being at cause, and seems the physical level is the level of effect; it has no power to create. The physical body merely reflects the mental. In other words, our physical bodies are no more than a mirror of what is taking place within us on a mental and emotional level.

The Actual Cause of Heart Disease
As unfortunate as it may be, traditional medicine is seeking the causes of illness and disease in the wrong places. In reality, something physical, like smoking for example, cannot cause a physical effect in the form of an illness or disease. Put another way, an effect cannot create another effect, only cause can create an effect. With that being so, why are there similar physical actions or symptoms shown in people who share an illness or disease? Essentially, it is because they are seeking to find a way to alleviate the mental and emotional pain and imbalance taking place within them.

It’s interesting to note that the heart is placed virtually at the centre of the body. If a person is centred, they are living from the heart in a balanced state of love and trust. A heart disorder is the manifestation of the opposite mindset. This person is fighting the current of life to the point of physical and emotional exhaustion. Often the person with heart disease seeks love through what they do for others. Essentially, heart disease is an urgent message from your body to change your perception of yourself.

How to Cure Diabetes
As I have stated in my previous articles, this new paradigm of thinking requires us to let go of the belief that illness and disease is an enemy that serves no purpose. Everything in our life is either an expression of love or a call to love. Illness and disease, in whatever form, is a call for us to love ourselves, because we are not living out of love in an area or areas of our life. It is all designed to lead us forward in life, not to lead us backward or to destroy us.

All illness and disease is a message from our bodies, helping us be conscious of what we are not conscious of. Heart disease is a specific message that you are not allowing for the proper flow in your life; whether it’s the flow of ideas, of love, or of your very lifeblood. To bring about healing, you need to tap into the wellspring of love within you by changing your belief that love can come only from others. Give yourself the love you seek and it will always be there. Start believing that you deserve love and affection from others and that you are just as loveable as everyone else.

Once the beliefs and perceptions that cause heart disease are changed and balanced, it will disappear automatically. There is no need for any type of physical intervention, although it is encouraged that you still seek such intervention as your beliefs necessitate. All real healing requires no pills, no diet, no exercise, or any other physical treatment. This is how it works for every single illness and disease a person experiences, without exception. When we understand the real purpose of illness and disease, our lives will be changed forever. The question we need to constantly ask ourselves when we experience illness and disease is this: “My body is sending me a message, am I listening?”

Sunday, 16 September 2012

The ONE Thing You NEED To Know About Illness and Disease

There is a belief system prevalent in the western world today that says illness and disease is caused by something physical in the body and that physical illness is caused by physical means. This belief is one of the greatest misconceptions, or more accurately, misperceptions, that exists in relation to health and medicine in the western world today. It is the main reason why medicine is not making any headway on any of the major illnesses and diseases currently prevalent in the world.

Somewhere along the way we developed an incorrect view or perception of what sickness really is and why it exists in the first place. Unfortunately, we are presently locked into the belief system that says we are at the mercy of all illness and disease and that there is nothing we can do about it. This is mainly due the belief that illness is caused by strictly physical sources and means and by them only.

We get the flu because we are infected with the influenza virus; we develop cancer because of cancer cells in our body; we have repetitive headaches because we do not drink enough water; or we have a sore back simply because we sat incorrectly on a chair. These are just a few examples of causes that we ascribe to our physical symptoms. In most of these cases, we are told that these physical ailments are separate from us and that we have to suffer the effects until they disappear, either on their own or through the help of medication etc.

Fortunately, we do not have to believe this any longer. Knowledge of a better way is beginning to flood the earth like rays from the sun as it rises above the horizon. It is becoming clear to many that there must be more to sickness than what is commonly believed and taught in the world as a whole.

As was introduced in my article, 3 Misconceptions About Illness and Disease, the body, in reality, does not have power to create. The belief that it can, a fundamental error, is the source of all physical symptoms produced in our bodies. As hard as it may be to accept, the body is nothing but a machine, and like a machine, it receives its directions and messages from a higher source.

What is that higher source? It is the mind, which is the only level of creation. Nothing physical is able to create anything else that is physical. The level of mind is the level of creation, aka the cause, and the physical level is merely the effects of this cause. It may seem hard to accept at first, but this is how it works. There can be nothing physical unless it first existed in the mind. For something to be in the body, it must first have been in the mind, if it hadn’t, it wouldn’t be there.

This leads us to the one thing we all need to know about illness and disease: You cannot cure it via physical means, because it is not caused by those means. What does this mean for us? It means that we do not need to seek outside ourselves for healing; we are the cure we have been looking for. Our perceptions and corresponding beliefs are what drive our physical symptoms. In this way, illness and disease is a call to lead us back to a balanced perception, to help us let go of beliefs that are hindering our moving forward in life.

Until we understand and acknowledge this, nothing will change in our health & well-being. No one will be completely free of illness and disease in the world until they realise that it is not a physical problem. The symptom may seem physical and appear in the body as something physical, but the symptom is NOT the real illness or disease. All illness and disease stems from the mind, and this is the only place it can be cured or alleviated. Therefore, the problem is not physical, it is mental. All types of physical healing or treatment are forms of magic, being based on magic principles.

Again, as hard as it is may be to accept, until it is accepted, no progress will be made in overcoming illness and disease, no matter its form. It is not something to be despised or avoided, as it contains within it the very seeds for its reversal. Every illness or disease is designed to teach us a specific lesson, to lead us forward and ultimately back to wholeness in the mind. It is futile for us to hold onto the belief that these things are separate from us, that illness and disease are out to get us.

There is nothing out to get us, because it is all just us in the first place. When we know how this works, we can begin taking back control of our lives, including our health & well-being. To know that we create our lives, including our physical symptoms, is essential to our liberation from illness and disease, as contradictory as that may seem at first. Physical symptoms exist for the very purpose that we will overcome them, so that we will learn the lessons the symptoms were designed to teach us.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Are Illness and Disease What We Think They Are?

If someone said you will catch a cold from being in a cold wind, would you believe them? How do you know you will catch a cold from the cold wind? How do you not know? In the same vain, how do you know what illness and disease are? Do you know because your parents told you? Maybe your Doctor told you? Or was it your school teacher? Whoever it was, ask yourself this question, who told them and how do they know?

Have you ever stopped to think about how you know what you know about something? Do you ever question the things you learn or hear, or do you just go along with the masses and believe whatever is popular at the time? Consider this for a second. Just because the masses believe X causes Y, does it make it true? Does the mere fact that the masses believe a cold wind causes you to get a cold mean that a cold wind causes a cold? If most people believed eating chocolate makes you fat, does that mean chocolate makes you fat?

In case you haven’t noticed, the health industry is constantly changing their tune on what is healthy and what is not, what causes a disease and what doesn’t etc. For example, a few years ago, all forms of chocolate were declared unhealthy and people were told to stay away from it at all costs. Yet, this year, the year 2012, we are now told that dark chocolate is very good for us and we are now being encouraged to eat it. How does that work?

Now, I am not saying this to beat down on the health industry, they are doing the best they can with the beliefs and resources they have. But, for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear, there is more to health and illness than what we hear through the masses. There is a simpler and clearer answer to what causes a cold and to how people get cancer.

Typically, when we think of illness and disease, we imagine something physical as being the cause of our ailment. For example, we traditionally think we can catch a virus from being coughed on or coming into physical contact with someone who is “infected” with it. We ascribe DNA and genes as being the source of our heart problems, weight issues, diseases etc etc. We blame our parents, grandparents, neighbours, pets, microwaves and so on and so forth for our health problems.

You may notice that this paradigm of health is based on one thing, “blame.” In our current society, everything else is responsible for our health and we are the victim. Nothing is our responsibility; it is all because of an “external” thing. Is it any wonder there is so much confusion and fear in the world today?

We act as though our DNA is something separate from us, even though it is part of us and within us. Huh, how does that work? It may seem humorous, but this is how illness and disease is currently viewed. When we develop an ailment or disease we are told, “There is nothing you can do about it”, “it is in your DNA”, “it is the dog’s fault”, “you smoke too much”, “take this pill and hope that it goes away,” and on and on and on it goes.

In our current framework (belief system) of dealing with illness and disease, we treat it as though it is 100% separate from us. The ailment or condition is “out there” and we are told it is trying to harm us, destroy us etc. But is this really so? When we really think about it, does this make any sense at all? Surely there is a piece of the jigsaw puzzle that we are missing?

Thankfully, there are many jigsaw pieces that are missing in mainstream medicine and the masses beliefs around health and well-being. I wrote about three of these in my previous article titled, “3 Misconceptions about Illness and Disease.” The reality is we are not separate from our health issues. They are but outer manifestations of internal causes within us. Instead of us being 100% at the mercy of illness and disease, we have 100% control over it. This may come as a shock at first, but this how it really works.

Although not intentionally, the current health framework promotes fear, hate, anger, sadness, and confusion. It reinforces the “victim” mentality and keeps people disempowered not thinking they have any power or ability to directly influence their health and well-being. As you might expect, the exact opposite of this is true. We are not “victims” to anything, let alone our illnesses and diseases. This new paradigm of looking at health promotes freedom, love, peace, power and clarity.

Have you ever considered this before? Instead of illness and disease being an enemy, it is a friend. Instead of it being separate from us, it is one with us. Instead of it being negative, it is positive. Instead of it being a nuisance, it is a gift. Instead of it being a physical problem, it is a message from our bodies reflecting our unconscious thoughts and emotions within us.

From this perspective, illness and disease is nothing but a tool to help us become conscious of that which we are currently unconscious of. It is a reflection of our internal thoughts and emotions. This is all it is. There is no need to examine DNA or any other physical thing to find the answers and cures. The cause is not physical; therefore the cure is not physical. There is nothing separate from us that we experience. Somewhere along the way, we adopted an incorrect perception of what our health issues really are.

Nevertheless, this is no longer important, as we each now have a choice. It may be a choice you didn’t think you had until now, but, yet, it is a choice available to us all. The choice is this: Will you continue to believe that illness and disease is there to attack and destroy you? Or that it is there to help and support you? One will keep you in a state of fear and confusion, while the other will liberate you and allow you to experience love and freedom. The choice is in front of you, and there is only one question that remains, what will you choose NOW?

Thursday, 9 August 2012

3 Misconceptions About Illness and Disease

We are all conditioned from a very young age that illness and dis-ease are random occurrences that are out of our ability to control. From birth we are exposed to thoughts and beliefs such as how frail our bodies are, how susceptible we are to illness, and how we have no cures for many of the so called ‘major illnesses’ prevalent in the world. We are programmed to believe that we are victims to the outside world and that we are powerless little ants walking around not knowing which illness will squash us next.

This article is written for all those who are seeking to break free from the old beliefs about illness and dis-ease. It is for those who are ready to embrace new ideas that promote empowerment and liberation. What follows is a brief list of 3 misconceptions about illness and dis-ease and how we can begin to break free of these old conditioned ways of thinking.

Misconception #1: Illness and Dis-ease Have Physical Causes
Traditional views teach us that these are caused by physical means. For example, if you get a cold, it is because you “caught a cold” from being out in the cold or because someone sneezed on you etc. Another example is in regards to being overweight, as it is commonly thought that people become overweight because they either eat too much or do not exercise enough, or a combination of both. It is based on the belief that there is something external to you, that there is an “out there” separate from you.

To break free of this misconception, we understand that nothing physical can cause anything else that is physical. The physical level is the level of effect, and the level of effect has no power to create anything in and of itself. One of the great universal laws is the law of cause and effect. Very simply, this law states that for every effect there is a cause and to every cause there is an effect. Illness and dis-ease operate on the level of effect, meaning they are only effects and not the cause. The causal levels are the mental, emotional and spiritual levels, these levels are often referred to as “within” a person.

Misconception #2: Illness and Dis-ease is an Enemy
Most of us are taught as children that sickness is bad and that we need to “fight” against or it will destroy us. All forms of sickness are considered as being caused by some type of foreign body that is invading our body in an attempt to harm or hurt us. Resultantly, all attempts are made by current medicine to destroy the physical illness or dis-ease by medication or other such physical treatments. From this point of view, we are not cured until the physical 'invader' is no longer visible or traceable in our bodies, and thus, the so called enemy has been overcome.

This misconception is broken down when we understand and perceive correctly that illness and dis-ease is our friend, rather than our foe. In this way, it is merely seen as a physical effect, i.e. a message from the body, that what is happening within us, on the level of cause, is not in balance with our greatest good or our own best interests. Whenever we are acting out of harmony with love, we receive feedback in our bodies in the form of illness and dis-ease to help us become aware that we are out of balance within ourselves.

Misconception #3: Illness and Dis-ease is Separate from You
This was briefly mentioned in #1, in that we have been conditioned to believe that these are things which are external to us. Because we can see a virus, a bacteria etc., in our bodies, it appears that these foreign bodies are external to us, that they have nothing to do with us. For example, we believe we get the flu as the result of contracting the influenza virus, because it can be seen through a microscope; therefore, it is deemed as being separate or external from us. In the traditional way of thinking, we have contracted this “external” virus via some type of physical contact, either through another person, animal etc.

Consequently, this is one of the hardest misconceptions to let go of, as it is the one that seems the most accurate based on our senses and what we perceive with them. Nonetheless, if we are to fully understand the role of illness & dis-ease in our lives, it is one we must change. Even though it is hard to understand at first, all illness is the result of non-physical causes. In other words, they are simply outward manifestations of thoughts and emotions that are taking place within us. When we experience a physical illness or dis-ease, we have not contracted anything physical, but in reality have contracted the thinking or belief system that causes the physical effect in the form of a specific illness or dis-ease.

In the cases of epidemics, the duration and extent of an epidemic is directly proportional to the particular belief system that maintains it. The people affected by such widespread dis-ease are allowing themselves to be overrun by the way of thinking prevalent at the time.

From this perspective, we begin to understand that all forms of illness, injury and dis-ease are there to help us; not to hinder, hurt or destroy us. This article is merely an introduction to a different way of approaching health & wellbeing. There are many who have been advocating this approach for many years, including Louise Hay, Lise Bourbeau and Deepak Chopra to name a few. You have nothing to lose in considering this approach, although our natural tendency is to resist, as our ego (beliefs) doesn’t like to be challenged and asked to change from the status quo.

Monday, 30 July 2012

The Cause of Diabetes and How to Cure It

On a physical level, diabetes is caused by a disturbance in our metabolism from lack of insulin secreted by the pancreas or as a result of our cells not responding to the insulin that is produced. It is said that around 85% of adults diagnosed with diabetes are overweight. On the surface level, there is no apparent explanation as to what causes this lack of insulin or why the cells do not respond to the insulin in some cases. Traditional medicine has a hard time identifying what causes dis-eases, and why some people get them and others don’t.

The Traditional View of Dis-ease
Traditional medicine, or current mainstream medical practices, teaches us that all illness is the result of some physical cause. For diabetes, the cause is most commonly attributed to genetics or a bad diet and lifestyle. According to what is happening on the physical level, this is the most identifiable cause of it manifesting in a person’s body. But this doesn’t fit, because not everyone that gets diabetes has a parent, grandparent, or any family member for that matter who has previously had diabetes. Additionally, there are those who have never had diabetes in the family and who eat a healthy diet that still contract the dis-ease.

If there was a reliable physical cause of any illness, including diabetes, would it not be consistent from person to person? Is there not a specific cause to this dis-ease, and all other dis-eases? The answer is yes, but it is not a physical cause, it is a mental and emotional cause.

Nothing Physical Can Cause Anything Physical
As I have spoken about briefly in my previous articles, the reality of how illness really works is a complete 180 degree shift from our traditional thinking. We commonly think that all illness is caused by something going wrong physically in our bodies. For diabetes, the physical cause is attributed to the pancreas and insulin. But the physical level is just a superficial level; it is the level of effect. As will be surprising to some, nothing physical can be the cause of any other physical effects. An effect cannot create another effect, only cause can create an effect.

The physical body can do nothing in and of itself. It does not have power to create anything, including illness. Power comes from being at cause, and seems the physical level is the level of effect; it has no power to create. The physical body merely reflects the levels of cause, which are the mental and emotional levels within us. Our physical bodies are no more than a mirror of what is taking place on a deeper level within us. It is according to one of the most powerful laws in the universe, the law of correspondence, as within, so without.

The Specific Cause of Diabetes
As becomes apparent to those who start to understand these things, we see that traditional medicine is seeking the cause to illness and dis-ease in the wrong places. The truth is, there is a specific set of causes to all illness and dis-ease, but those causes are not physical. The causes we are all seeking for are within us, we hold the answers to all our questions. We do not need to seek outside ourselves for that which is already within us.

The pancreas deals with emotions, desires and all intellectual activities. Pancreas disorders indicate an imbalance on the emotional level. If someone is diabetic, it is because they are often very emotional and have too many desires for themselves and others. They want everyone to have a slice of the pie. They expect too much from themselves and from others, and tend to blame themselves for others dissatisfaction.

Essentially, diabetes is a signal from the body that we need to learn to let go and let things happen at their own pace. This person needs to stop trying to control the course of events in their life and realise that it is not their purpose to make everyone else happy.

How to Cure Diabetes
This new paradigm of thinking around health requires us to stop believing that illness and dis-ease is an enemy that needs to be destroyed and nullified. Illness and dis-ease is not a bad thing, neither is it an enemy. All illness and dis-ease is a signal from our bodies that we are not living our lives out of love; it is a servant to aid us in being who we really are, instead of pretending to be who we are not. It is nothing more than a blessing that is currently in disguise, until we understand its true purpose and meaning.

All illness is a message from our bodies, telling us to love ourselves. Diabetes is a specific message that we have unrealistic expectations about ourselves and others. It is a physical effect of us mentally trying to control our lives instead of allowing things to work out on their own. We are getting feedback that we are not meeting our true needs, that our perceptions are holding us back instead of moving us forward.

Only by balancing out these mental and emotional areas can a person truly be cured of diabetes, as this is the level of cause. Yes, diabetes can be treated and the symptoms (effects) relieved by physical means, but that is like putting a poster over a hole in the wall and expecting the hole to go away. Only until we break free from the old thinking that illness needs to be destroyed will we make any real progress in healing illness and dis-ease. The reality is, all healing is self-healing. All illness and dis-ease is designed to move us closer to love and perfect balance with all that is.

Monday, 9 July 2012

How To Lose Weight Without Pills, Diet or Exercise

Does the heading seem too good to be true? Was your initial reaction one of suspicion and caution? If you answered yes to one or both of these questions, you are not alone. We have all been conditioned to believe that there are no miracle cures to our weight problems. The experts tell us repeatedly that the key to losing weight is to eat healthy and exercise a certain amount of time a day. But for so many this does not work, and we are left to ask, “Why can’t I lose weight”, or “why can’t I lose those last few pounds?”

The irony is that the answers are all within, literally. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, or to beat down on traditional medicine, but there are people in high places that do not want you to learn the truth about health, especially weight loss. The health industry is a multi-billion and possibly even trillion dollar industry, with the weight loss industry making up a significant portion of that. As the collective are starting to learn, there is nothing outside us that we need to make us healthy. This is not good for the powers that be, as that means they lose their money and subsequent power over us.

Again, there is no need to blame here, they are just doing what they think is right. Even so, we do not need to buy into this false perception of health any longer. Any type of medication is an outer counterfeit of innate healing abilities we already possess. We have been brought up to believe that material things outside us are what heal us, fulfil us, make us happy etc., but this couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is, there is nothing outside us that we need that we don’t already have within.

All things in life are merely feedback of us; who we are at any one time. Health or lack thereof is feedback, in the same way that an argument is in a relationship, or getting advice from a boss or co-worker is in our job or career. Illness, injury or dis-ease is feedback from our bodies letting us know that something is out of balance within us, in our thoughts and/or emotions. The physical, mental and emotional are all interconnected; they are constantly in alignment with each other. The mental and emotional are causal levels, whereas the physical is only the level of effect.

What this means for us is, nothing physical can make us fat or overweight. In other words, eating too much food, not getting enough exercise etc., cannot make us put on weight. If these things do happen, they are the physical effect of underlying thoughts and emotions within us. These thoughts and emotions, at the level of cause, need to be expressed physically to keep in alignment, as they are all connected. This is why some people can eat ridiculous amounts of food, not do any exercise, and never put on any weight. We all know people like this.

Admittedly, this is a big shift in thinking and perspective compared to what is commonly understood about how health works. Many will argue that there are endless cases of people losing weight by exercising and eating healthy, nutritious diets. This is indeed the case, but unless it is accompanied by inner changes, the weight will inevitably return or the body will manifest another symptom as the feedback in its place. This is the biggest shift of all; to understand that nothing physical can cause or influence anything physical.

The only authentic way to change things on the physical level of effect is to change things in the mental and emotional levels of cause. An effect cannot create another effect. An effect cannot cure another effect. Only cause can create effect. Only cause can cure effect. Thus, the only sure fire way to lose weight permanently is to restore balance on the mental and emotional levels. Yes, you can lose weight physically by exercising and going on diets, but if you do not balance the cause within, the weight will come back. If you have ever lost bundles of weight only to put it back on, this is the reason why.

Every illness, injury or dis-ease has a specific set of mental and emotional causes to it. With weight issues, the cause mainly revolves around thoughts and feelings of shame. Most people that are obese, or highly overweight, had a situation or situations when they were young in which they were humiliated and felt ashamed as a result.

Being overweight represents having built a psychological wall around you, a barrier of fat to shield you from the outside world. It is common for people with excess fat to be deeply sensitive and they find it hard to take a deep, hard look at themselves in the mirror. It is also common for people to gain weight as a protective psychological barrier against the opposite sex. These people believe that their obesity will not be attractive to the opposite sex and they will therefore avoid being hurt, humiliated or emotionally abused by them.

Only by balancing these inner perceptions can a person lose weight and keep it off. If these inner changes are not made, the body will continue to communicate to us until we get the message and restore balance within us. Once the inner changes have been made, the physical will change accordingly. This is how it works with weight loss and with all other illnesses, injuries or dis-eases. There is no need for forced medication, diet or exercise, as they do not and cannot ever heal the cause. When you address and balance the cause within you, the physical effect will disappear automatically, without any extra physical effort on your part.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

What Do They Mean, "Life Is Just an Illusion?"

Most of us go through our entire lives believing that everything we see in front of us is solid, is real. We never question the nature of the universe or the validity of our senses. Do we even know that there is more to life than what we perceive with the five senses? Most of us would have to answer this question with a “no”. Do we really know what we are looking at each day? What we are touching, feeling, smelling, hearing?

We are all accustomed to and used to the idea that the universe is solid and real. We touch, smell, taste, see and hear things constantly, for this is how we perceive our universe isn’t it? According to our five senses, everything we come into contact with is just as real as we are. To most people, if you can’t experience it with these five senses it does not exist.

This is where it gets interesting, and where we either get confused or lose interest. What we perceive with these five senses, in reality, is only but a small portion of all that exists. Additionally, what we touch, smell, taste, see and hear, i.e. what we sense, is not actually real; as nothing sensed is real. All motion is a simulation, it is an illusion. All we perceive with our senses is motion, motion of light. Motion is not real, although it simulates that which is real.

If this is the case, then what is real? The answer is quite simple, stillness. Stillness of what you might ask? It is none other than Light. Walter Russell, in his timeless classic, The Secret of Light, explains, “Light cannot be seen; it can only be known. Light is still. The sense of sight cannot respond to stillness. That which the eyes ‘feel’ and believe to be light is but wave motion simulating the idea if Light.

When man sees the light of the sun he believes that he is actually seeing the light when the nerves of his eyes are but ‘feeling’ the intense, rapid, shortwave vibrations of the kind of wave motion which he senses as incandescence. Man likewise cannot see darkness. The nerves of his eyes which sense motion slow down to a rate of vibration which he can no longer ‘feel’.”

In layman’s terms, what we see as light is not actually real light; it is but simulated light as an extension of the real Light. It is the same with matter, as matter is but simulated light, it is not the Light itself. The physical universe, where we are currently, is composed of simulated light only, in the form of motion. Motion can only sense motion, it cannot sense stillness. In other words, our five senses can only perceive motion (illusion), and not stillness (reality). This is why Jesus, as recorded in the Bible, said, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Why did he say this? Quite simply, because it is impossible to judge accurately with the senses, as the senses do not perceive that which is accurate, i.e. that which is real, in the first place.

Walter Russell adds further in his book thus mentioned, “Perhaps the confusion which attends this idea would be lessened if we classify everything concerning the spiritual universe, such as life, intelligence, truth, power, knowledge and balance as being the ONE LIGHT of KNOWING, and everything concerning matter and motion as being the TWO SIMULATED LIGHTS of thinking.” Put simply, we cannot know anything real through thinking, as thinking only perceives motion, which is illusion. It is like a mirage. The mirage reflects the idea of that something, although it is not that something.

As summarised by Russell, “The light which we think we see is but motion. We do not see light. We FEEL the wave vibrations set up by the motion which simulates light, but the motion of electric waves which simulate light is not that which it simulates.” This is what it means that life is just an illusion. It is not life itself that is an illusion, but what we think we perceive life to be. The world that we think we see is not the world that really is. Our life is nothing but an accumulation of ‘senses’ experiences which we have interpreted and given meaning. Without judgement, life just is.

What we perceive as being ‘bad’, ‘negative’, ‘devastating’, ‘hard’, etc., are according to our senses, our thinking. Without thinking, none of these things would exist. Most of us live our entire lives caught up in our senses, being stuck in thinking; as this is where we think reality exists. The truth is the exact opposite. Our thinking is limited to illusion, as thinking can only perceive motion. Motion is the simulation of stillness, as stillness is all there is, although our senses tell us otherwise.

So then, with this knowledge, how do we live in reality? We live in reality by living in stillness, which exists only in the now. The past and the future are based on motion. Neither the past nor the future exists, except in our thinking. Stillness is who we really are. As we step out of our thinking and silence our minds, what do we find? Nothing but stillness. We are that stillness. That is who we really are. We are the consciousness, the very awareness that underlies all thought and sensing.

We have the opportunity to live in the moment of now, or to live in the past or future. One is reality, the other illusion. The one entails that everything is perfect, the other that it needs to be changed. The one exists in perfect love and acceptance, the other in fear and separation. Many people never get this because it is too simple. They spend their entire lives searching for some wonderful, amazing, world shattering truth or teaching, never realising what they are searching for is constantly in front of them. It is our choice to which course we pursue in life. When we choose to live in the now, in stillness, we live in reality. When we choose to live in the past or future, in our thinking, which is motion, we live in illusion.

The Cure To Illness Is… You

As of the year 2012 we are considered to be at the most advanced point in human history. At no time in our existence are we said to have had the technology that we possess today. The sciences are developing new theories daily as new entities are discovered in the universe. Progress in technology amazes us daily as we are introduced to new gadgets, with each subsequent version being smaller and more powerful than the last. Yet, in spite of these amazing advances, one thing seems not to be advancing, our health. Have you ever wondered why? If we are making all these advances in other fields, would you not expect advances to be made in the health industry?

As of this very moment, cancer has never been so prevalent amongst humanity. More and more people are dying of it every year, and that is not just because the population is increasing. More people are dying of the flu, but we are meant to have the best and most advanced vaccinations ever created. We seem to be advancing in other areas but are going backwards in health and medicine, why is that? “The cure is out there” the experts tell us, “we just haven’t found it yet”. The truth is, they will never find it, because the cure to illness is not outside of us, it is within us.

This is the missing link and is the reason why current medicine is making no real progress. Most people are taught from a very young age that colds are caught from others, that viruses are transferred from one person to the next and that certain illnesses are genetic. It is commonly thought that cancer and other life threatening illnesses are just random and there is currently no explanation as to why some people live through it and why some don’t. In the eyes of most, illness is just random, and when one is afflicted with it they ask, “why me?” What a different world it would be if we all understood that we are not only the cause of our illnesses, but we are also the cure.

Admittedly, this can be a bit hard to swallow for most of us. The first impulse is to either reject it, or to jump on your own back and ask in despair, “So you mean it’s my fault?” Firstly, it is not about fault. We live in a universe of perfect order where nothing is random. Every effect has a cause, and there is not an effect without a cause. Illness is always an effect, it is never the cause. There is always an underlying cause to any illness, which is what is currently missing from current medicine. Illness is only a symptom; it is not the cause itself. Illness is like the oil light on your car dashboard, it lights up to let you know that something is wrong in the engine; it is not the cause itself.

Current medical treatment can be compared to pulling out the fuse on the oil light, so that it can’t be seen anymore. It does not deal with the real cause, which exists somewhere else. Current medicine alleviates the symptoms for a while, but it does not cure the cause. For some it may seem as healing has taken place, but it will always come back as the same thing or something else. We cannot cure something physical with something physical, as that is trying to cure effect with effect. We can only cure effect by being at cause.

You see, the mental and emotional levels are the level of CAUSE, whereas the physical level is only the level of EFFECT. Nothing physical is the cause of a physical effect. In other words, contrary to popular belief, nothing outside us (physical) can make us sick. Most people catch colds because of their belief in catching a cold. Do away with the belief (mental) and you do away with the illness (physical). This is how it works, always and in all ways.

The body acts as medium for the mental and emotional levels to express themselves. The physical level does not create anything; it merely reflects that which is created on the deeper levels. The problem is most of us are not aware of our thoughts and emotions. This is where illness comes in, as illness is our (physical) bodies attempt at helping us become aware of these underlying thoughts and emotions. Illness is a tap on the shoulder from the body, letting us know something is unbalanced within us.

When we are balanced and whole within, we are balanced and healthy without. In other words, when we perceive the world with a balanced perspective, we receive no feedback in our bodies. Conversely, when we have an unbalanced perspective, we receive feedback to let us know that we are no longer balanced and acting out of love. Again, this is because most of us are unconscious of what is going on within. In one way, illness is a tool to wake us up, to help us become conscious of our unconscious thoughts and emotions.

This is why being at the effect level does not get us anywhere. Until we realise and accept that we are both the cause and the cure, we will not make any real progress in medicine. All illness is actually a blessing, it is there to serve us and move us forward in life. In reality, illness is 100% positive in its intent and purpose. We can only see it as this once we move from the EFFECT level to the CAUSE level.

There is no cure outside us that we need; every cure to every illness exists within us already. The question is, are YOU ready to accept this? Is it time for you to move from effect to cause in your life? Living at effect gets us nowhere, being at cause gets us everywhere. Everything in life is either an expression of love, or a call to love. All illness is a call to love, are you ready to heed that call?

Monday, 11 June 2012

How to Start Living Your Perfect Life

Have you ever wondered why things happen in your life as they do? Do you ever ask yourself, why is this happening to me? Does life anger, confuse or frustrate you with what it throws at you sometimes? If you are human, and are honest with yourself, then you will most definitely answer yes to all the above questions. We all desire to know the answer to this enigmatic question, “are the events in our life random, or is there something greater taking place that we cannot naturally see?”

The answer, in reality, is a lot simpler and easier to grasp than we would originally think. Actually, it is the mind, or more specifically, the ego-mind, that is the very cause for such a question needing to be asked. If it wasn’t for the ego-mind, such a question would be irrelevant, as the answer would be eternally before our eyes. For those of you not acquainted with the ego-mind, here is a brief description.

As human beings, we have a split mind in our current phase of progression. We have a unified-mind and an ego-mind. At any given moment, we have only two choices; to see life through the unified-mind or to see it through the ego. The unified-mind is connected with all things, sees all things as being one, and perceives things as they really are. The ego, on the other hand, separates all things, sees things as being separate from the self, and perceives things according to our beliefs, values, language, memory, past experiences etc. The unified-mind perceives reality; the ego perceives illusion.

The problem for each of us is this: we tend to identify with and look at life through the ego, instead of the unified mind. The ego, because it sees things as being separate, creates the illusion that people and events are external to us. On the other hand, reality, only perceivable through the unified-mind, sees all life as being one with us. The unified-mind is based on the truth that, ‘there is only one person in the room’, and that all things are one and interconnected. But, to the ego, such things are ridiculous, as it is based on the illusion that, ‘there are many people in the room’.

For many, this will be the first time you have come across these concepts. Please be aware, that you will most likely be reading this with the ego-mind, and not the unified-mind. Resultantly, your ego will be disgusted at these words, and will be resisting them vehemently. The ego helps form that little voice in your head that talks to you constantly, the one that you have a hard time turning off sometimes. Essentially, these words challenge the ego, especially the hold it has upon your life and what you perceive within it.

The whole purpose of the ego is to create and maintain the illusion of separation. One of the main principles it works according to is found in the phrase, “perception is projection.” Simply put, what we perceive in others is our own projections coming from the ego. If we dislike how our co-worker has a short temper, it is because we also have a short temper. If we regularly get gossiped about, and it angers us, it is because we also gossip, and we feel guilty about it. In reality, all that we experience in others and life is a reflection of our own inner projections. The ego projects all these things, and then perceives them outside in others, thus confirming to itself the illusion that these things are separate from the self. This is the cycle of illusion that we are all trapped in to different degrees.

Thus, to live a perfect life, and answer the great question asked at the start, we must expose the ego, and start living from our unified-mind. When we live from the unified-mind, we accept that everything is perfect in any given moment. This is the true meaning of love. Love can only be experienced from the unified-mind, as the ego only experiences fear, anger, sadness etc. We can only access the unified-mind in the present moment, as all thoughts of past and future come from the ego-mind. This is why the unified-mind perceives reality, as reality only exists NOW, in the moment. This is the great secret to life that it exists in the moment; there is no past or present, only one eternal now. The ego cannot exist in the moment. Because of this, you or I can never live a perfect life from the ego, as ego is based on illusion, and in reality, it doesn’t even exist. This may come as a shock to some, but know it is only the ego-mind that finds this shocking, as the unified-mind, who you really are, already knows and accepts all these truths.

To live your perfect life is to live in the moment. It is to know and trust that each moment will reveal the best course of action. It is to cast off the ego and start perceiving life through the perfect lens of your unified-mind. When you come to realise that you are the only person you interact with every day, you will start living your life, instead of having life live you. The perfect life is to see the universe as a great mirror, always reflecting back to us our own projections, ultimately to move us closer to love. It is to accept that life already is perfect each and every moment. In this way, your perfect life is that of perfect love. To attain this perfect love, we must let go of the ego and start embracing the unified-mind, who we really are.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Change Your Perceptions, Change Your Life

One thing I am beginning to realise is that perception drives everything in life. I am beginning to realise that all my negative states are the results of perception, or judgement of what is taking place in my life. Essentially it is all according to story, or the ego. Most of the perceptions we make are based on ego, our stories of what has happened in the past.

This realisation has come due to an effort on my part to be more aware and conscious of what is taking place in my life. It is apparent that life is just perception; it is the observer perceiving the observed. We as human beings are both the observer and the observed of what we experience. Accordingly all of life is feedback of us, allowing us to see where we are at, ultimately giving us never ending opportunities to change, grow and essentially progress. In reality the universe and life is organised to cater to our progress, it is designed to lead us upward and forward towards realising our full potential.

I have had opportunities this week to descend into old, repetitive negative states but I have chosen not too. And how did I get to that point of choice? First I was aware and secondly I changed my perception. If I was not aware, fully conscious, I would not have been able to change my perception. Why? Because I would have been consumed in the perception, the perception and I would have been one, not separate. Only by being conscious can you separate yourself from the perception you are making. This is why agency or the ability to choose is essential in the grand scheme of things. Everything in our lives is designed to move us closer to choice, whether we see it that way or not.

How many people can actually say they are conscious in their lives? How many people are actually aware of the perceptions they are making when they make them? How many people can separate their perception from themselves? The truth is most people run on auto pilot for the majority of their lives, totally unaware of the perceptions they are making on a moment by moment basis. Generally the ones that say they are the most conscious are the ones who are the most unconscious. People that are truly conscious do not need to make such assertions as they operate from a state of awareness, fully aware of their inner and outer conditions.

In my own life, most of my negative states in the past are the results of self-judgement, the perception of some action I have or haven’t performed according to some expectation. Normally the expectation is according to our story, what has happened in the past or what we have seen others do in the past. Because we have seen a certain action performed in such a way we expect ourselves to do it the same way or even better. We pick up these expectations throughout our lives, and then compare ourselves to them as we go about day to day lives. Then when we don’t live up to these expectations, we get upset to the point of beating ourselves up both within and without. Do you see the futility in this?

First of all, the expectation has been formed from a perception, a perception based on our story at that point in time. Essentially it is now a perception of a perception. With each layer of perception we get further and further from reality, how things really are. You see there are two sides to every experience, what really happens and our perception of what happens. In NLP this is described by the phrase, “the map is not the territory”, meaning that we do not experience the actual territory, we experience the territory only according to the map we are using. Our map is our perceptions, these perceptions work according to our filters. The filters are beliefs, values, memory, language etc. based mainly off the past.

If left on auto pilot then this becomes a vicious cycle of perception creating perception creating perception. A person then becomes at effect of their reality, as from their unconscious perspective everything in life outside of them is just “happening” to them. Being unconscious, on autopilot, is the basis of the victim mentality. The victim mentality is manifested by those who believe life isn’t fair and that life just happens to them being outside of their control. This again is all according to perception. The map has become the territory to these people, they believe what they experience is what is actually happening. In reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

The reality is we experience life as we are, not as it really is. We experience the territory, what really is, only according to our maps, which are our filters and the ego. The ego and the filters work hand in hand feeding off each other in a repetitive cycle. This is what is referred to as the story. Our story is what has happened to us in the past. It is the “I’m not good at dancing because when I was 10 I tripped up during dance practice at school”. It is the “No one likes me because I am fat and people tease me”. It is the “The world is an evil place because of all the wars, rapes and murders that I see on the news.” It is the “I don’t believe in marriage because all my friends are divorced and are bitter as a result.”

This is all “story” and is based on perception. Every single person is influenced by their own “story”; this is why we don’t see life as it really is; we only see things according to our “story”, our perceptions based off the past. Most people do not live in the moment, they live unconsciously in the past; letting the past dictate what they experience. This is why people repeat the same experiences over and over again. This is the meaning of the map is not the territory, but unfortunately most people live their lives believing the map is the territory. They don’t realise their entire life is created by and based on perception. It is all perception; it is all the way we experience the territory via our individual map.

It is only possible to see the map for what it is when you are aware, when you are operating outside of your “story”. When you are aware and in the moment, you are not operating according to your filters and ego. Being aware allows you to see the perceptions you are making, and gives you the ‘choice’ to change that perception if you so choose. By changing your perception you change the territory as you are using a different map. Change the map and you change the territory. The truth is you are the map and the territory; you use your own map to create your own territory. If people really understood this then most of the so called problems on the planet would disappear almost instantly.

So the question is when will you choose to be aware? When will you choose to be conscious of your perceptions? When will you choose to use a different map to see the territory for what it really is? The choice really is yours, no one else can make it for you, no one else can perceive for you. You make your own perceptions, and your life is a result of those perceptions. Change your perceptions and you change your life. In order to change your perceptions you need to be conscious, be aware of your thoughts and emotions and what is going on inside of you. To remain on autopilot is to remain trapped in the perception. Only by being conscious can you separate yourself from your perception. You are in control of your life; you are your map. Change the map, change the territory; change your perception, change your life.