Sunday, 16 September 2012

The ONE Thing You NEED To Know About Illness and Disease

There is a belief system prevalent in the western world today that says illness and disease is caused by something physical in the body and that physical illness is caused by physical means. This belief is one of the greatest misconceptions, or more accurately, misperceptions, that exists in relation to health and medicine in the western world today. It is the main reason why medicine is not making any headway on any of the major illnesses and diseases currently prevalent in the world.

Somewhere along the way we developed an incorrect view or perception of what sickness really is and why it exists in the first place. Unfortunately, we are presently locked into the belief system that says we are at the mercy of all illness and disease and that there is nothing we can do about it. This is mainly due the belief that illness is caused by strictly physical sources and means and by them only.

We get the flu because we are infected with the influenza virus; we develop cancer because of cancer cells in our body; we have repetitive headaches because we do not drink enough water; or we have a sore back simply because we sat incorrectly on a chair. These are just a few examples of causes that we ascribe to our physical symptoms. In most of these cases, we are told that these physical ailments are separate from us and that we have to suffer the effects until they disappear, either on their own or through the help of medication etc.

Fortunately, we do not have to believe this any longer. Knowledge of a better way is beginning to flood the earth like rays from the sun as it rises above the horizon. It is becoming clear to many that there must be more to sickness than what is commonly believed and taught in the world as a whole.

As was introduced in my article, 3 Misconceptions About Illness and Disease, the body, in reality, does not have power to create. The belief that it can, a fundamental error, is the source of all physical symptoms produced in our bodies. As hard as it may be to accept, the body is nothing but a machine, and like a machine, it receives its directions and messages from a higher source.

What is that higher source? It is the mind, which is the only level of creation. Nothing physical is able to create anything else that is physical. The level of mind is the level of creation, aka the cause, and the physical level is merely the effects of this cause. It may seem hard to accept at first, but this is how it works. There can be nothing physical unless it first existed in the mind. For something to be in the body, it must first have been in the mind, if it hadn’t, it wouldn’t be there.

This leads us to the one thing we all need to know about illness and disease: You cannot cure it via physical means, because it is not caused by those means. What does this mean for us? It means that we do not need to seek outside ourselves for healing; we are the cure we have been looking for. Our perceptions and corresponding beliefs are what drive our physical symptoms. In this way, illness and disease is a call to lead us back to a balanced perception, to help us let go of beliefs that are hindering our moving forward in life.

Until we understand and acknowledge this, nothing will change in our health & well-being. No one will be completely free of illness and disease in the world until they realise that it is not a physical problem. The symptom may seem physical and appear in the body as something physical, but the symptom is NOT the real illness or disease. All illness and disease stems from the mind, and this is the only place it can be cured or alleviated. Therefore, the problem is not physical, it is mental. All types of physical healing or treatment are forms of magic, being based on magic principles.

Again, as hard as it is may be to accept, until it is accepted, no progress will be made in overcoming illness and disease, no matter its form. It is not something to be despised or avoided, as it contains within it the very seeds for its reversal. Every illness or disease is designed to teach us a specific lesson, to lead us forward and ultimately back to wholeness in the mind. It is futile for us to hold onto the belief that these things are separate from us, that illness and disease are out to get us.

There is nothing out to get us, because it is all just us in the first place. When we know how this works, we can begin taking back control of our lives, including our health & well-being. To know that we create our lives, including our physical symptoms, is essential to our liberation from illness and disease, as contradictory as that may seem at first. Physical symptoms exist for the very purpose that we will overcome them, so that we will learn the lessons the symptoms were designed to teach us.


  1. Hey mate, just wanted you to know these are very interesting posts and I enjoy reading them! This one in particular was very interesting! I like this concept. Makes senses, although I do have one question. I like how you talk about disease and illness are created in the mind first, is that correct? (I want to make sure I am fully understanding this). If that is the case, then what are your thoughts about people who are born with illness or diseases? How do they overcome this? For example, my wife was born with a disease call Spinal Bifida. While she is much better off than most people who are born with it, she still has many health problems that have come from that. She was born with it she has had to deal with the effects of it her life. What are your thoughts on a situation like that? Thanks my friend! Once again I really enjoy reading your posts!

    1. Hey Thomas, thanks for your comments, I appreciate them. In answer to your first question, yes, illness begins in the mind with unbalanced perceptions or judgements that we make. As for people with congenital diseases, they are chosen by that person as part of the lessons they require for their own growth during mortal life. This person has chosen and taken personal responsibility for the disease knowing full well the purpose and the lesson to be learned. The first step is for the person to discover what this disease prevents them from being and doing, as this will help them understand its message.

      As for your wife, spinal problems are related to support, or feeling supported in life. Because the back is our main support structure, any problems in the back reflect issues around not feeling enough support. This is the general cause. In order to get more specific I would need more specific details about her unique symptoms and effects. In my business I work with people one on one to help them identify the exact causes and develop a path to self-healing from there.

      It is completely within her power to heal herself of ALL effects of Spinal Bifida if she so desires. This is the case with anybody and any illness or disease they might have. There are no matter of degrees in healing, meaning that cancer is not harder to heal than a boil, although this is hard for many people to believe based on what they have been taught. I hope this helps answer your questions.

  2. Thanks for answering my questions. That makes senses. I will have to have her read your blog. So with your business, do you meet with people one on one and then try to asses their needs, and then help coach them on how they can improve?

    1. I normally do a consultation first up before I start working with people. This helps me identify whether they are sincere about wanting to make changes and gives me an idea about their motives etc.. If we are both happy after the consultation, then we go ahead and begin the coaching process. Both the initial consultation and the coaching sessions can be done over the phone or on Skype, it doesn't have to be in person.

  3. That's awesome! Maybe one do we can franchise you and bring you to the U.S! So it sounds like you can work with any across the country via Skype?

    1. You never know my friend, all things are possible! And yea, I can work with anyone via Skype, no matter where they are in the world.
