Monday, 27 August 2012

Are Illness and Disease What We Think They Are?

If someone said you will catch a cold from being in a cold wind, would you believe them? How do you know you will catch a cold from the cold wind? How do you not know? In the same vain, how do you know what illness and disease are? Do you know because your parents told you? Maybe your Doctor told you? Or was it your school teacher? Whoever it was, ask yourself this question, who told them and how do they know?

Have you ever stopped to think about how you know what you know about something? Do you ever question the things you learn or hear, or do you just go along with the masses and believe whatever is popular at the time? Consider this for a second. Just because the masses believe X causes Y, does it make it true? Does the mere fact that the masses believe a cold wind causes you to get a cold mean that a cold wind causes a cold? If most people believed eating chocolate makes you fat, does that mean chocolate makes you fat?

In case you haven’t noticed, the health industry is constantly changing their tune on what is healthy and what is not, what causes a disease and what doesn’t etc. For example, a few years ago, all forms of chocolate were declared unhealthy and people were told to stay away from it at all costs. Yet, this year, the year 2012, we are now told that dark chocolate is very good for us and we are now being encouraged to eat it. How does that work?

Now, I am not saying this to beat down on the health industry, they are doing the best they can with the beliefs and resources they have. But, for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear, there is more to health and illness than what we hear through the masses. There is a simpler and clearer answer to what causes a cold and to how people get cancer.

Typically, when we think of illness and disease, we imagine something physical as being the cause of our ailment. For example, we traditionally think we can catch a virus from being coughed on or coming into physical contact with someone who is “infected” with it. We ascribe DNA and genes as being the source of our heart problems, weight issues, diseases etc etc. We blame our parents, grandparents, neighbours, pets, microwaves and so on and so forth for our health problems.

You may notice that this paradigm of health is based on one thing, “blame.” In our current society, everything else is responsible for our health and we are the victim. Nothing is our responsibility; it is all because of an “external” thing. Is it any wonder there is so much confusion and fear in the world today?

We act as though our DNA is something separate from us, even though it is part of us and within us. Huh, how does that work? It may seem humorous, but this is how illness and disease is currently viewed. When we develop an ailment or disease we are told, “There is nothing you can do about it”, “it is in your DNA”, “it is the dog’s fault”, “you smoke too much”, “take this pill and hope that it goes away,” and on and on and on it goes.

In our current framework (belief system) of dealing with illness and disease, we treat it as though it is 100% separate from us. The ailment or condition is “out there” and we are told it is trying to harm us, destroy us etc. But is this really so? When we really think about it, does this make any sense at all? Surely there is a piece of the jigsaw puzzle that we are missing?

Thankfully, there are many jigsaw pieces that are missing in mainstream medicine and the masses beliefs around health and well-being. I wrote about three of these in my previous article titled, “3 Misconceptions about Illness and Disease.” The reality is we are not separate from our health issues. They are but outer manifestations of internal causes within us. Instead of us being 100% at the mercy of illness and disease, we have 100% control over it. This may come as a shock at first, but this how it really works.

Although not intentionally, the current health framework promotes fear, hate, anger, sadness, and confusion. It reinforces the “victim” mentality and keeps people disempowered not thinking they have any power or ability to directly influence their health and well-being. As you might expect, the exact opposite of this is true. We are not “victims” to anything, let alone our illnesses and diseases. This new paradigm of looking at health promotes freedom, love, peace, power and clarity.

Have you ever considered this before? Instead of illness and disease being an enemy, it is a friend. Instead of it being separate from us, it is one with us. Instead of it being negative, it is positive. Instead of it being a nuisance, it is a gift. Instead of it being a physical problem, it is a message from our bodies reflecting our unconscious thoughts and emotions within us.

From this perspective, illness and disease is nothing but a tool to help us become conscious of that which we are currently unconscious of. It is a reflection of our internal thoughts and emotions. This is all it is. There is no need to examine DNA or any other physical thing to find the answers and cures. The cause is not physical; therefore the cure is not physical. There is nothing separate from us that we experience. Somewhere along the way, we adopted an incorrect perception of what our health issues really are.

Nevertheless, this is no longer important, as we each now have a choice. It may be a choice you didn’t think you had until now, but, yet, it is a choice available to us all. The choice is this: Will you continue to believe that illness and disease is there to attack and destroy you? Or that it is there to help and support you? One will keep you in a state of fear and confusion, while the other will liberate you and allow you to experience love and freedom. The choice is in front of you, and there is only one question that remains, what will you choose NOW?

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