On a physical level, the heart acts as a two way pump for the circulatory
system. As such, it is the life giving organ that regulates the flow of life
force throughout the body. Coronary Heart
Disease is the most common cause of death in North America. As is
reiterated in my previous articles, traditional medicine has a hard time
identifying what causes disease and why some people get them and others don’t.
Traditional View
Traditional medicine, or current
mainstream medical practices, teaches us that all illness is the result of some
physical cause. For heart disease, the cause is most commonly attributed to factors
such as smoking, genetics, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, high alcohol
consumption, lack of exercise and stress. Research has shown smoking appears to
be the cause of about 36% of cases and obesity roughly 20%.
According to what is happening on the
physical level, these are the most identifiable causes of why it manifests in a
person’s body. Unfortunately, there is never a reliable, solid cause that can
be pinpointed by traditional medicine and its counterparts. Why? Because the
physical body is not the source of illness and disease and until the actual
source is understood, the confusion will remain.
Body Has No Power of Itself
According to our traditional thinking, we
believe that all illness and disease are caused by something going wrong
physically in our bodies. For heart disease, the physical cause is mainly
attributed to hypertension and genetics. But these are not the real causes.
Why? Because the physical level, including our bodies, is the level of effect, not
the cause itself. If this is true, and if nothing physical is the cause, then
what is? In the general sense, it is the mental and emotional levels, as all
things exist in the mind before they become physical.
Quite practically, the physical body can
do nothing in and of itself. It does not have power to create anything,
including illness, sickness and disease. Power comes from being at cause, and
seems the physical level is the level of effect; it has no power to create. The
physical body merely reflects the mental. In other words, our physical bodies
are no more than a mirror of what is taking place within us on a mental and
emotional level.
Actual Cause of Heart Disease
As unfortunate as it may be, traditional
medicine is seeking the causes of illness and disease in the wrong places. In
reality, something physical, like smoking for example, cannot cause a physical
effect in the form of an illness or disease. Put another way, an effect cannot
create another effect, only cause can create an effect. With that being so, why
are there similar physical actions or symptoms shown in people who share an
illness or disease? Essentially, it is because they are seeking to find a way
to alleviate the mental and emotional pain and imbalance taking place within
It’s interesting to note that the heart
is placed virtually at the centre of the body. If a person is centred, they are
living from the heart in a balanced state of love and trust. A heart disorder
is the manifestation of the opposite mindset. This person is fighting the
current of life to the point of physical and emotional exhaustion. Often the
person with heart disease seeks love through what they do for others. Essentially,
heart disease is an urgent message from your body to change your perception of
to Cure Diabetes
As I have stated in my previous
articles, this new paradigm of thinking requires us to let go of the belief
that illness and disease is an enemy that serves no purpose. Everything in our
life is either an expression of love or a call to love. Illness and disease, in
whatever form, is a call for us to love ourselves, because we are not living
out of love in an area or areas of our life. It is all designed to lead us
forward in life, not to lead us backward or to destroy us.
All illness and disease is a message from
our bodies, helping us be conscious of what we are not conscious of. Heart disease is a specific message that
you are not allowing for the proper flow in your life; whether it’s the flow of
ideas, of love, or of your very lifeblood. To bring about healing, you need to
tap into the wellspring of love within you by changing your belief that love
can come only from others. Give yourself the love you seek and it will always
be there. Start believing that you deserve love and affection from others and
that you are just as loveable as everyone else.
Once the beliefs and perceptions that
cause heart disease are changed and balanced, it will disappear automatically. There
is no need for any type of physical intervention, although it is encouraged that
you still seek such intervention as your beliefs necessitate. All real healing
requires no pills, no diet, no exercise, or any other physical treatment. This
is how it works for every single illness and disease a person experiences, without
exception. When we understand the real purpose of illness and disease, our
lives will be changed forever. The question we need to constantly ask ourselves
when we experience illness and disease is this: “My body is sending me a
message, am I listening?”
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