Monday, 31 October 2011

You Are Your Life

You are the centre of your universe; as I am the centre of my universe. What you see in the world around you is, well, YOU. Hang on a minute, you are probably thinking. Did he just say what I thought he said? Yes ladies and gentleman, you read it right. YOU are what you see in the universe around you every second of every day. As an individuated conciousness, you are the centre of every thing that is happening in your life. In essence, you are your life.

Most people think in a very limited sense as is conditioned in us as we grow older in this world. We are taught in school that everything in the universe is separate and independent of everything else. Traditionally we think that no one can be the center of the universe because everyone cannot be the center at the same time. Again this is based of the thinking that consciousness is separate from itself. But in actual fact, consciousness is projected from where you are. All conciousness exists in one place and time and that is where you are.

You as a human being are consciousness itself. Every single human being is an individuated aspect of conciousness within the One conciousness. Every single one of us as an individual conciousness in connected through the One great conciousness, that which is often referred to as God. As such whichever point of view you are experiencing within a certain point of time and a certain place is a projection from you. It is this way so that you as an individuated conciousness can experience everything else from that point of view. Essentially we experience what we choose and we choose what we experience. This is the object of this physical life. The appearance that everything is separate is an illusion. In reality, every human being as conciousness is connected with everything and as such exists in a state of Oneness with all that is.

This truth holds the key to understanding why things happen in your life. Essentially what this means is that you are the creator of your own reality. God, the Source, the First Cause, or however you prefer to define Deity, has intentionally organised the universe in this way. And when you come to understand how it works more fully, you begin to see how perfect it really is. This universe is perfect in every single way possible. Why? Because the Grand Cosmic Director who organised it is perfect. A perfect universe is a reflection of a perfect conciousness.

This amazing truth applies to all areas of your life. You notice positive qualities and attributes in another because they are within you. When you get angry at something someone says or does, it is because you do that very same thing and it makes you angry. You project from your conciousness every person and every circumstance in your life. All illness is created from within, as nothing outside of you can effect you unless you let it. Essentially, every experience or situation in your life is an extension of your conciousness. The universe, or more specifically, your world, is a mirror of who you are at any given moment or point in time. It has been designed like this intentionally and purposefully, and is certainly no accident.

In order for you to fully experience yourself as the creator of your reality, you first need to be aware. Awareness means being fully concious in the moment, not lost in thought or dulling your senses with TV, music or anything else that distracts your attention. As you become aware, you will realise that you are the centre of all that is taking place in your life, your universe. By thinking that something or someone outside of you is the centre of what's taking place in your life, you are essentially giving your power to that thing in the external world.

The reality is we are concious creators, we cant be conciousness and not create. The very fact that we are conciousness with choice means we by nature and right create the reality in which we live. We therefore are the observers and the observed. We observe the very things create, and we create the very things we observe. When you truly understand this your world and universe begin to change accordingly. No longer are you a victim of circumstance or at the mercy of chance. There is no longer any room for luck, as you are the luck in your life, both the perceiver and the perception of it.

When you live from this mindset you realise that no longer do things and people move around you without your approval. It quickly becomes apparent that you are able to cause the things and people around you to move according to your will and desire. You are the centre of all that happens to you. The more you move closer to living from this reality, the more power you will have of the world outside of you. You will find that you are the master and creator of your own reality. And in a very real way you will begin to experience the reality that you are your life.