This past week has led me to some great reflection on what is important in life and how precious each one of us is as human beings. Someone that I knew and regarded highly passed away exactly 7 days ago to the day. This young man was only 19 years old at his passing through the veil and it came as a shock to everyone that knew him.
This young man along with his immediate family belongs to the same faith as I do, that being The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. With our faith comes the knowledge that death is not the end of life but merely a transition from one phase of life to another.
Even so it difficult to say a temporary goodbye to someone you know. I can only imagine the feelings of his closest relatives. Nevertheless it was the means of this friend’s death that caused me and most everyone else to feel the way we did. Unfortunately he took his own life for reasons that are only known to him and God at this time. It was this circumstance that provided the feelings of sadness in our hearts and streams of tears to our eyes.
As I was standing near his grave this morning for his burial I was pondering over his life and who he is as a son of the Living God. I wondered how his exiting this phase of life would affect his eternal destiny. No mortal among us can judge or know for sure, that is up to our Heavenly Father and those assigned for such tasks. But nevertheless it was these thoughts that plagued my mind during his burial service.
What if I was to exit this life ten minutes from now? What if I left this world tomorrow, or the next day? What words have I left unspoken? What feelings have I not conveyed to those I love? Who might I have been able to touch during my life if I tried a bit harder? Would I be sufficiently prepared to meet my God if I were to leave this earthly abode today, tomorrow or the next day? Have I dealt justly and fairly with others during my mortal stay here? What would I be remembered for? Would people speak kind words of me at my own funeral?
These questions and more have fluttered through my mind space over the past week since this good man has left our physical presence. Even with all these questions going through my mind, there was one thought in particular that really impressed me and lured me into further reflection. It was the thought of ‘How Precious We Each Are’. As I pondered upon this single profound thought I began to be inspired by something grander that had its source outside me. I was blessed with an experience immensely greater and nobler than anything I could ever conceive of my own accord.
I was impressed within myself that each one of us is truly magnificent in and of ourselves. Even though this young man had taken his life, it didn’t detract from the fact that he was and still is as precious in the eyes of God as any other human being on this planet. At this very moment I have a burning desire to be of greater service to my fellow human beings. It is up to me now to make sure that I continue to fuel this fire with my own righteous thoughts and actions throughout my day to day life.
How easy it is to get distracted from what is really important in life. In reality our relationships with others is all we really have. Humans receive life through other human’s. At times we think the computer gives us life; or we get confused and think a car is the source of our life; or maybe it is money that has blinded you at times in your life. Whatever the counterfeit, the effect is the same. It detracts our attention from those things that really have life in life.
Behind every computer is a person that has either made it or put the information on it; it is a human being that makes the car and drives the car; and the same goes for money as it is people like you and I that print and use money on a day to day basis. Behind every THING in your life is a person, a living breathing human being like yourself. The source of all life in life is human life. We are it. You are it. You’re an individual, but part of a greater whole. While we may seem separate, we are each interconnected in a very real way.
I sincerely hope that I can take this experience and let it have a positive impact on my life and my being. I owe it to my brother who has just recently gone before me and all those other ‘precious’ and wonderful people that live on this planet. My desires are that each one of us might also open our eyes and hearts to the undeniable truth of who we really are. You are precious. I am precious. And all of life is precious.